luni, 7 ianuarie 2013

My selection of quotes from Korean movies

Note: The following quotes are written by me from the Korean dramas that I watched. It means that only here you can find these quotes.  But, if you want to copy them, I appreciate very much if do it by saying where did you find them. Thank you!
For me there are more than quotes, there are lessons of life!

My selection of quotes from Korean movies

… ing

Fantastic. One heart to love only one person.
It's not easy to fall in love at first sight.

6 years in love 2008

Cd 1 – I heard artificial flowers mean 'eternal love'.
Love isn't always lovey-dovey romance.

Cd 2 – I think dark circles are sexy on a woman.
There are different types of love. / Then I guess its okay for me to love you.
They say that books reflect their authors.
They do say that broken bones bind stronger.

A chilling romance 2011

Let's analyze it [the relation between man and woman] according to the steps in romantic comedies. People who are in love always encounter an obstacle. Be it difference in status, parents' opposition or the difference in personalities.

There are 5 types of kisses: hamburger, sliding, air cleaning, candy and wrestling kisses. Hamburger - is when the upper and lower lips alternate and there's suction. But this should never be used with a bearded man. Hair will enter your mouth; Air cleaning - first tilt the head to about 15 degrees. Your line of sight should be around 30 degrees. If you have a doll, you can try it. This one, it's best to do it where the air is good. For example, in the outskirts. Then match your lips on top. Inhale ... exhale... But then, there'll always be guys that will burp at this point. You must kill these types of people.   

A love 2007

Mengzi (the great philosopher) – Envy those who have 100 times more than you. Respect those who have and become a slave to those who have way more than that... I'm saying that a man's power comes with money. Money will buy you respect... Give me your youth and I'll give you power.  

A reason to live 2011

A death here is a birthday in the afterlife.
In God's eyes all our sorrows are the same.
Hating others is like drinking poison.
Cats don't go in groups because they don't need each other's help. They don't make-up after fighting, either. But humans are different. Forgiveness is freedom from pain.
Forgiveness should be a choice.
In God's eyes, people are probably like pets. Dogs aren't killed for killing dogs. To avoid loss of another dog. The owner doesn't need justice done. Only the dead dog's loss.
Did you get an anesthetic called forgiveness on your heart?
You forgave without an apology. That's fake!
Irresponsible forgiveness is a crime.
But they say those on death row die every morning. Desperately hoping to live another day.
Forgiveness is not getting rid of hatred. That's impossible. It's pushing hatred far back in the corner of your heart.
Today's the next day the person who died yesterday desperately wanted.

Bad couple 2011

Sincerity is the way to Heaven.

Bicycle looking for a whale 2011 aka Biking to the whaling port

Six-leaf clover predicts a miracle.
What is valuable is not always seen in the eyes.

Closer to heaven 2007

Everyone dies eventually. People just don't die in order.
Desires and ambitions are the sources of misery.
True happiness comes when you can be happy on your own. 

Cyrano Agency 2010

What does it mean when a woman calls to meet? One of two meaning. She's really bored. Or she's opening up.
I have the feeling your first kiss is coming soon. / Kiss? With the wrestling tongues?
Men have hang-ups about the men their women used to date. .. Women are more curious about who their ex will date next.
Ex-couples who date again break up for the same reason.
Wine reflects your psychological state. So mystical.
The Bible says … trust, hope and love … the greatest of these is love. I didn't know what that meant. I thought trust was the most important. I was so stupid. I didn't trust you once … and so we drifted apart. I didn't know what love was. So, I thought trust was more important than love. But now I know. We don't love because we trust, but we trust because we love. If we loved each other more … there wouldn't be a problem. 

Daddy Long Legs 2005

Living a meaningful life isn't easy.
They sassy love is a miracle and it's true.
You can't hide love or coughs.
You know why you make a wish upon a shooting star? ... During the instant moment when it falls your sincerity reaches. The stars twinkling in the sky.

Ditto 2000

Not everything's destined for each other. You say a destination before you leave, not when you get there.
They say people live with a scent. And they scatter the scent everywhere. When the scent is gone, they die. But some people still have the scent after death. And some people pass on the scent to others. Then it can spread everywhere.

Haunters/ Physic 2010

Men face 3 crises in their lifetime.

Heaven's soldiers 2005

They say geniuses recognize one another.

In love and war 2011

Usually, a hero is born during a war.

Love on-air 2012

I don't care about working hard. I care about doing well.
There are three virtues that make a good radio host: popularity, talent and personality.
Moment's embarrassment guarantees lifetime of love.

My girlfriend is an agent 2009

Cd 1 – Don't be fooled by man who apologizes. When they're really sorry they can't say it.
An untrained colleague is more dangerous than the enemy.

Cd 2 – What's urgent is important.

My way 2012

Opportunities come to those who don't give up.

Petty romance 2011

Dream is a process of wish-fulfillment by the subconscious. - Sigmund Freud

Punch lady 2007

The younger you are, the better you are at forgetting bad memories.
Life is for happiness.

Quick 2011

There is one way to be born but a million ways to die.

Seducing Mr. Perfect 2006 aka Seducing Mr. Robin 

Speed scandal 2008

Single mothers have dreams, too.
Even the dogs are crying because their puppies are gone.
It must be sad being an unpopular celebrity.

Villain and widow 2010

Life is all about preparing for the future.

Yoga institute 2009

Wise souls dine in the morning, beast in the evening and ghosts dine at night.
Mirrors only reflect, shrouding the essence within.